
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

Faith, that amazing gift from God through the Holy Spirit. The gift that strengthens the believer to believe in things hoped for and not yet seen. As a church planter one must learn to walk in faith. God creates a call to plant a church somewhere and you pack up and go. It is possibly the most unreal journey one might ever go on.

Giving your life to a God you cannot see and learn to trust and walk with Him. Some might say you are insane but you press on. Learning to pray for healing, change, provision and so many other things and watching as God grants you what you have prayed for. Praying for God to heal and not seeing that person healed and understanding what that means. The faithful go to Heaven and the non-believers don’t. It’s is crazy if you think as one who doesn’t have faith, it is more than possible with God.

How do we learn to trust this God we cannot see? How do we surrender our lives to Him? How do we walk in a manner that is seemingly opposite of this world? How do we maintain a value system that is so counter cultural? FAITH is the answer. Faith is a gift! Faith is also something we grow in to. It does not always come in its fullness, but in pieces you and I can handle. You will hear stories of instant and amazing faith, but it likely doesn’t happens for everyone. We have got to be ok with growing in to the fullness. This is a fun process and one that certainly will change your life.

Come and learn and grow with us at TORN – all are welcome!!!